Petros Klampanis is a boundless composer and double bass master who philosophizes about life while on his musical adventures around the world. In truth, each time we have been in touch, Petros has been on a different continent promoting his latest album "CHROMA". It's been quite a stroll...
See, according to Petros, the title track of this album, Chroma (below),
“captivates the concept and sets the limits in which the music of the project moves.”
He uses the word "concept" because this album doesn't only have its roots in sound, but in the exploration of a philosophical query. As a musical communicator, Petros ventures to use his arrangements to answer the question, "What composes our individuality?" It's classic mountain top fodder... and Petros was probably sitting on a mountain top when he "heard" his own truth in this answer:
“Character is composed of the emotions, thoughts, ideas, fantasies and experiences that we have in our lifetimes.” He builds on this idea and continues, “If we were to assign each of these elements a single color, then every one of us could be seen as a unique composition of colors, the mix of which results in our own, very personal shade.”
This is what Petros calls 'CHROMA' meaning color in his mother tongue, Greek. Indeed, while listening to the pieces that live and breathe on this album, you are offered the sounds of many very good, unique characteristics, CHROMAs, that build into greatness. You can definitely hear the CHROMAs of Petros's life. From the swirling melodies of the Mediteranean to the bold rhythms of the west, CHROMA is a journey through sound.
Give this sweeping beauty a listen and see if you can figure out the answer to this question for yourself... #WhichCHROMAAreYou? (I'm dark chocolate and red wine, clearly...)
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