This morning, cozied up next to black tea, my curiosity was already roaming around the winding roads of the inter-webs.
Rather than a cat killer, my curiosity bounds around like a rambunctious puppy till it finds the bird it thinks I want :). This morning, it didn't take long.
Google Search: Labor Day Music
Results: Bumbershoot • Labor Day Weekend • Seattle's music and arts festival
Curiosity smiles and jumps, "Don't mind if I do! "
Click - schedule of music and arts
Click - a big picture of their featured artist
Kamasi Washington
I gasped! This is gonna be goooooooood! Oh and it wassssss (is!). Curiosity floated me right over to that freshly baked pie on the window sill, again..... There's a wiki link below so your curiosity about Mr. Washington doesn't feel left out. If you want more look up: West Coast Get Down to learn about Washington and his litter mates.
Listen, watch, feeeeeeel.
Please allow me to introduce you to my new friend, the uniquely talented, Mr. Kamasi Washington, and friends.
Re Run Home (swoooon)
A gift! If you have some time to watch, this video will show you and help you feel the love that exists between Washington and his fellow musical contributors. There are so many of them, they can barely fit on one stage.... But you can tell how much they love this coziness... They obviously thrive on each others energy and passion. A beautiful collection of sounds and souls indeed.
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