5 a.m. - There's a song on a loop in my head.
Still sleeping, I listen with 1/2 an ear, rolling away from the red alarm clock light, that's making the insides of my eyelids glow.
But, the song continues.... Now, I'm listening with 100% attention in the crack-of-dawn's breathy silence.
I'm up. Might as well be. I'm enjoying a Nat King Cole concert, complete with upright bass, piano, strings and smooth steady drum pacing - in my head. And he's crooning, "Unforgettable". All I need now is a little coffee, ear buds and a comfy chair to complete this very dimly lit scene....
5:30a.m. Coffee in the cup, earbuds in the ears... guess I'm catching the worm today.
And I'm thinking...
It's no wonder I woke up with this beautiful standard gracefully (and persistently) rolling around in my head. It was sewn into the very fabric of my soul by my favorite person, the most wonderful man to have ever sparkled in this world, my Grandpop Jack (pictured below). And since I've been visiting with family for the last week, I guess I had this coming.
Whenever he was around, wherever he did roam, the sun followed along and made everything remarkable and beautiful, no matter what. He sang "Unforgettable" to me on gentle (and persistent) repeat which is how I'm listening to it now - lit only by the, now, 6 a.m. sunlight.... And I feel loved, because I know that I am... "Tho near or far."
This one goes out to the special souls in my life who have shown me the true meaning of selfless and unconditional love. "You are Unforgettable in every way, and forevermore that's how you'll stay.... "
Unconditional Love always,
Skip to this...
This man.... His smile... His voice.... The Original #Swoon. For Real.....
Stroll down my memory lane wont'cha⬇️
Grandpop Jack getting a haircut (I think that's my twin sister with the scissors... Not too sure.)
Uncle Martin, Grandpop and my Pop
Grandpop and Pop in Disney World (and their knee socks!)
My Pop... So handsome I had to include
Grandpop and Grandmom Infront of their Laudromat/Dry Cleaner. The definition of a self made man, Grandpop even built his own building.